Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Today the Board of Trustees emailed a memo to the student body of Northwestern College. This memo is deemed a "response" to the memo written by Dallas Jenkins and the Statement (with its 275+ student signatures!).

Quite frankly, the Board's memo constitutes a farcical slander of the word "response".

I realize this is strong language--which I hate to use and strive to avoid--but in this case, I believe those words are justified. If you have read the documents and/or spoken with concerned professors, alumni, or students, it becomes apparent that this memo displays blatant and offensive disregard for all the concern, commitment, prayer, and carefully considered actions of numerous faculty, alumni, and students.

There is not even a basic, courteous acknowledgement of Dallas' memo, the petition Statement, or anything else faculty/alumni/students have done. The Board's memo is an insufficent and redundant reiteration of blanket 'Christianese' statements and unfounded presidential support. Extraordinarily serious concerns have been raised by the college's most influential, respected, long-standing, committed faculty and alumni (and recently students and the Christian community at large)--why do these concerns continue to be blatantly disregarded? I once again plead with you--read the latest memo from Dallas Jenkins and then read the Board "response". Ponder the weight of the issues and in light of that, consider the Board memo...

I am so heartbroken as I watch this unfold before my eyes. It is inexpressibly sad for the future of Northwestern, (the college I love!), and for the good of students now and in the future. My prayers will only grow more fervent.

It breaks my heart.

Dallas' memo: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dhr789gs_11dcfrnwhn
Board memo: http://nwc.nwc.edu/display/6988


  1. i didn't get the latest administration response and i don't see it on the friends of nwc site, where is it?

  2. Hi Digory! I will edit my post to include Dallas' memo and the Board memo...check back! Otherwise you can find both on the Facebook profile of the "Friends of Northwestern College and Radio" group. Thanks!
